Proasis4 Update

16 May 2021

DesertSci is please to provide a short summary of the latest enhancements in the first release of Proasis4, 2021:

–  When a search returns more than 1000 hits, a pop-up is provided asking if one wants to load all, then cancel or continue as required

–  New Overlay method: “Antibody alignment, residues 1-100”

–  In Global Settings, there is a new button in section ‘Rendering’:
o  Show Organic as sticks
(show all HETs as sticks)

–  In ‘Structure Details’, there are new buttons at the top of the selection panel:
o Expand All       o Show All
o Collapse All     o Hide All

–  There are Viper GUI extensions, with new online tutorials

–  There are Felix GUI extensions, with new online tutorials

–  Potential unfavourable torsion angles are now highlighted for bound ligands, shown as Property torsion_flags (red atoms indicate the possibility of an unfavourable torsion and orange means borderline)

–  Filtering on search results now updates hit list numbers, and additionally, enable subsets of filtered hits to be more-easily explored using the Report tools

–  Filtering on search results now with NOT logic now included (as !MyProject, for example) following a Ligand Similarity Text search starting with a strucid from MyProject

–  Protein cartoon colouring is now done to match carbon atom colouring for each chain

–  Protein atom labelling has been extended to include chain Id

–  There are improvements associated with automated overlays for better handling multiple unliganded hetero-multimers

Proasis4 continues to expand functionality, accuracy and usability to ensure it remains the best protein structure database and visualisation system for its growing community of  SBDD users.

For more information on the 2021 version enhancements please contact us

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